• the primary tumor type (colon or breast cancer, for example); • the "modality" or type of treatment (surgery, radiotherapy , chemotherapy , biological therapy, early detection, chemo-prevention, supportive care); • accrual status (open, closed, approved but not yet active, standard, investigational); • the study phase (Phase I, II, III or adjuvant trial); and/or • specific drugs or biologic substances. Protocol summaries give detailed information on the objectives of the study, the patient entry criteria (medical requirements) and details about the treatment regimen, including drug dosages and schedules. Each protocol also provides the names, addresses and phone numbers of the doctors performing the study. Information on protocols is updated monthly. Searching the PDQ Protocol File Doctors may easily search the PDQ protocol file to identify clinical trials for patients with a specific type and stage of cancer, as well as trials being performed in a particular place (one or more cities, states, and/or Zip codes). The protocol file gives a doctor the latest information on clinical trials being offered anywhere in the United States and includes information on studies being conducted in Canada and several European countries. With this information, doctors can help patients who want to participate in a clinical trial to become enrolled in one that is suitable for them. The descriptions of the clinical trial and the medical requirements of patients